
In Charlotte, NC 

Quality Dentures in Charlotte, NC

If you’ve been hiding your smile because of missing some of all of your natural teeth, we at West Charlotte Dental are here to help. We are proud to offer complete and partial dentures to restore your smile’s function and aesthetics. Dr. Smigiel and his team are committed to providing quality, durable restorations to improve your oral health and enhance your quality of life!

What Are the Types of Dentures?

The following are the most common types of dentures, proudly offered by your trusted team at West Charlotte Dental:

Traditional Complete Dentures: These removable prosthetic appliances consist of acrylic gum-colored bases and false teeth made to look just like your natural teeth. Full dentures work for patients missing all of their teeth in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws. We typically place these custom tooth replacements about 8-12 weeks after removing any remaining teeth and the area heals.

Immediate Complete Dentures: Immediate dentures are prepared ahead of time and placed right after extracting any remaining teeth. They typically require frequent adjusting and may need relining to accommodate the changes that occur in the shape of your jawbone and gums as the area heals.

Partial Dentures: Partials work for patients with some of their natural teeth remaining. These removable tooth replacements usually come with gum-colored bases attached to metal frameworks with small clasps that attach to adjacent teeth. Partials are comfortable and closely resemble your natural teeth.

Implant-Supported Dentures: Implant-supported restorations can be complete or partial. These superior tooth replacements rely on dental implants for support, with unmatched comfort, stability, and durability. Implants are the only restorations that act similar to natural tooth roots, preventing bone loss and enhancing your oral health. With proper care, implant restorations have the potential of lasting a lifetime!

Why Restore Missing Teeth with Dentures?

Restoring missing teeth with dentures offers numerous benefits, including the following:

Improved Oral Health: Partials prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting into the gap and causing misaligned teeth and problems with the bite. Moreover, if you choose to restore missing teeth using implant-supported dentures, you’ll prevent bone loss in the area.

Improved Appearance: Complete and partial dentures deliver stunning smiles. They also support your facial contours, restoring your youthful appearance.

Improved Diet and Speech: Having a complete set of functional teeth will allow you to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet without pain or worry. It will also help you pronounce your words more clearly and confidently.

Improved Self-Esteem: Having a complete set of healthy, beautiful teeth will improve your self-esteem and allow you to smile with confidence once again.

Do You Need Denture Adhesives?

Many patients prefer to use adhesives for an added sense of security or stability. However, they are not needed to keep well-fitting dentures in place. If you have any concerns, please contact our office for an appointment. 

Caring for Your Dentures

You’ll need to brush your dentures daily using a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. When not in use, keep your artificial teeth in a denture cleanser and rinse them before wearing them once again.

Refrain from making any repairs to your dentures. If you have any concerns, make sure to let us know. We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure your restorations enhance your smile for many years to come.

Quality Dentures Near Me

Visit West Charlotte Dental to learn more about restoring missing teeth with dentures. Dr. Smigiel and his team look forward to helping you smile and live your best. Call our Charlotte, NC office to schedule an appointment today!

Let Us Make You Smile!

With Compassionate, Caring, Comfortable Dentistry in Charlotte