Same Day & Emergency Care

In Charlotte, NC 

West Charlotte Dental is proud to offer same-day and emergency care to patients in Charlotte, NC, and the surrounding areas. Seeing an emergency dentist as soon as possible improves the chances of saving a damaged tooth and lowers the risk of complications down the road.

What Should You Do If You Experience a Dental Emergency?

If you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, contact our office right away. Our team will provide support and will help stabilize your condition before arriving at our office. If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately!

Common Dental Emergencies

Here are common dental emergencies and tips for stabilizing your condition while waiting to receive emergency dental care:

Knocked-Out Tooth: The tooth has the greatest chance of being saved if treated within an hour of sustaining injury. Gently pick it up by the crown and avoid touching the roots. If possible, return the tooth to its socket and bite down on it to keep it in place. Otherwise, transport it in a small milk container to your emergency visit.

Oral Injuries: Heavy, uncontrolled bleeding due to injury can be a serious emergency. Place pressure on the wounded area to control the bleeding and head to your nearest emergency room!

Tooth Pain:  An infection, abscess, or advanced decay might result in tooth pain. Apply a cold compress to the area and rinse your mouth with warm water to relieve the discomfort. Food trapped between two teeth can sometimes cause a toothache, so flossing may help.

Dental Abscess: A tooth abscess is a severe infection that may originate in or around a tooth root. It not only causes discomfort, but the infection can spread to your jawbone, neighboring teeth, and even your blood if left untreated. If you see a pimple-like growth on your gum, contact us right away!

Broken or Cracked Tooth: Rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to your face to reduce any swelling that may occur as a result of this type of injury. Collect any fragments of your tooth and bring them with you to your emergency appointment.

Lost Crown or Filling: Over-the-counter dental cement or sugar-free chewing gum can help keep your crown in place or replace a lost filling until your appointment. Never use super glue to repair any dental work.

How We Help You Relax During Treatment

Dr. Smigiel is committed to providing comfortable, gentle care to our valued patients. His therapy dog, Stella, will help comfort you and take the edge of any dental procedure. If you are anxious about visiting the dentist, make sure to let us know. We’ll do everything we can to make sure you have a positive experience.

Same Day and Emergency Care Near Me

If you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, your trusted team at West Charlotte Dental is here to help. Our topmost priority is always to save a natural tooth using any restorative means possible. You can always count on us for the highest quality emergency dental services!

Let Us Make You Smile!

With Compassionate, Caring, Comfortable Dentistry in Charlotte